Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Now I can finally say "This is totally going in my blog!"

Yup, I broke down and started one of these blog things (is ready for Lantz to give me crap), thanks to a friends suggestion that has been rolling around in my head the last week. 

I figured I play enough variety of games, I'd use this space for reviews of the games I already own and new games that I play / buy.  I play mostly board games, but i also am involved in miniatures, card games.  And video games of all types, mostly PC gaming tho.  The occasional video game may sneak in here, but I'll try to keep it mostly about games that occur on the table.

I just ordered a new board game today, anticipating its arrival in the mail already.  It is a reprint of a 30 year old game called Survive: Escape From Atlantis.  It looks pretty entertaining, and it will be my first review, unless of course I get antsy and write something before it shows up.  That's all for now kids.